This past Saturday CANAAF was delighted to host a presentation and Q&A with Dr. Jeffrey Donovan, a US and Canadian board-certified dermatologist specializing exclusively in the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss.

Dr. Donovan addressed a number of key topics such as recent advancements in alopecia research and what we hope to see from the medical realm moving forward. He also answered many burning questions about current treatments, COVID-19, and the role of heredity in alopecia.

Dr. Donovan has authored and co-authored over 40 research articles which are published in a variety of research journals and is the recipient of several national and international awards for patient care, research and leadership. He currently practices in Whistler, Canada and lectures nationally and internationally on hair loss and teaches dermatology residents at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

If you were unable to attend the live Zoom session, we encourage you to view the full recording.