Today, we’re sending a warm welcome to CANAAF’s newest support group, which provides a space for people with alopecia in Newfoundland & Labrador to meet on a monthly basis.

Alexandra Hodder, St. John’s Support Leader & Mentor
The St. John’s Support Group will meet on the second Sunday of every month starting Sunday, June 13th at 10:00 am NDT. This group will be hosted by one of CANAAF’s dedicated support leaders, Alexandra Hodder.
To join Alexandra’s group, email her at nlsupport@canaaf.org and she will provide a Zoom link for the upcoming meeting. Stay tuned for support meeting dates by signing up for our e-newsletters to to receive regular updates. Meetings will be a mixture of both virtual and in-person (in accordance with local COVID-19 guidelines).
The St. John’s Support Group is meant to serve as a safe and friendly space for those experiencing hair loss conditions in the province to share their stories and help along your coping journey. In such a small province with a smaller population, it can feel lonely and as if you are the only person struggling. You are not alone; our group will help you connect with others similar to you and support each other.