International Clinical Trials Day
May 20th, 2021 | #ICTD2021

May 20th is International Clinical Trials Day. Clinical trials help to shape the future of medicine. We believe it’s important for patients and the public to be aware of and engaged with clinical trials.
Below you will find 3 ways to learn more about clinical trials and how they help people living with alopecia areata.
1. Updated Clinical Trials Page
Visit our new and improved clinical trials page on our website. There is more information for those looking to learn about, locate, and participate in an alopecia areata clinical trial.
2. Clinical Trials Basics: What You Need To Know
If you are looking to learn more about clinical trials, this presentation covers it all. Learn about topics such as what clinical trials are, what you should know before participating, and how to locate trials near you. Hosted by Anthony Gilding, Director of Science and Research Communication at CANAAF.
You can find more webinars like this on our Speaker Series page.
3. For More: Visit Clinical Trials Ontario
Clinical Trials Ontario, a leading not-for-profit in the clinical trials community, collaborates with patients, patient groups, health charities and others to create online tools to spread awareness and engage the public in clinical trials. Check out the Clinical Trial Finder and access material about clinical trials on the Clinical Trials Ontario website.