Research Articles


Dr. Donovan – Cholesteral Lowering Drugs for Treating Alopecia Areata?

A New Study says Yes By Dr. Donovan Study: Lattouf C and colleagues.  Treatment of alopecia areata with simvastatin/ezetimibe. J Am Acad Dermatol 2015; 72: 359-61 Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune condition. Medications that reduce or modify the effects of the immune system are traditionally used to treat alopecia areata. You may be

February 10th, 2015|

Treatment Development Program

NAAF’s Treatment Development Program (TDP) is on track with the timeline initiated in 2010 to accelerate our quest for a viable treatment. NAAF is serving as the ultimate concierge, leveraging all of our available research resources and clinical partnerships. Our strategic goal is to produce safe, effective, affordable treatments useful to millions of people with

January 20th, 2015|

Hair Research Society

EHRS is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the research of hair biology and hair disease in Europe.

January 20th, 2015|

Dr. Donovan – Allergy to Dust mites: Any link to Alopecia Areata?

Allergy to Dust mites: Does it have any link to alopecia areata? By Dr Jeff Donovan Li SF and colleagues. Allergy to dust mites may contribute to early onset and severity of alopecia areata. Clin Exp Dermatol 2014 Sep 23. It’s well known that alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Although alopecia areata has

November 17th, 2014|

Dr. Donovan – Ruxolitinib: A Potentially New Treatment for Alopecia Areata

Researchers from New York’s Columbia University have uncovered a potentially new treatment for alopecia areata: an oral cancer drug known as ruxolitinib. In a carefully designed study, the researchers first showed first that the drug ruxolitinib was effective in a mouse model of alopecia areata. After showing it worked it mice, the researchers then

August 19th, 2014|

Alopecia Areata Research Survey

Heidi Willemse from the Netherlands is doing research on alopecia areata and is asking all people with alopecia areata to complete the survey.   The average time is 30 minutes (some longer, some shorter). When the survey is started and the participant has no time to finish, he or she can just continue where he

July 31st, 2014|
Watch Alopecia Areata Research Update 2020

Watch Dr. Donovan’s update from 2020 and learn about recent advancements in alopecia research.

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