Head over to our videos page to watch the recording from our latest event: An Afternoon with Deeann Graham.

We talked to Deeann about everything alopecia and the work she has been doing to spread awareness and advocacy. As an Alopecia Life Coach, Deeann works with many people affected by alopecia, helping them navigate this condition and helping them thrive. Her book, Head-On, Stories of Alopecia contains a collection of personal narratives of over 75 writers after being diagnosed with alopecia areata – stories of acceptance, resilience, and adaptability.

About Deeann Graham:
Deeann Graham is the award winning author of Head-On, Stories of Alopecia and an alopecia coach/consultant, educator, and advocate. She was diagnosed with alopecia areata when she was 7-years-old. She published Head-On, Stories of Alopecia to share stories and photos of people around the world who are living with alopecia in order to provide a broad perspective on the journey of hair loss. Deeann is also the host of the Alopecia Life Podcast where she continues to educate and share stories to help others realize they are not alone. You can find Deeann through her WebsiteFacebook, and Instagram.